Friday, December 4, 2015

Chapter 5: Part II

Aaaaaaannnnnnnnnddddd... We're back! I'm sure hope was lost that this blog didn't exist anymore but man it has been some sorta crazy! I almost couldn't figure out my way back to this page. But I did it and now you get to hear (er... read?) some more of my incredibly insightful ramblings. So this is probably going to be a spoiler for the cliche end of the year post where I sum up all the fantastically amazing things I've been up to, but there's no way to catch all of you avid readers up without that summary. I'm going to try to bullet them out and maybe save the details for later (remember I said try!). So here it is... fantastically epic 2015 summed up:

  • Bought a my first house condo! That's right... you're reading the wise words of a first time homeowner now! Lol. But seriously. It's a small comfy condo that I love... comes with yard care/snow removal and a community pool!
  • Um... That first bullet really sucked up all of my savings so... That was kinda the main focus of 2015.
  • Oh wait... Completed my first Spartan Sprint. Definitely picked the wrong one as it was sooooo muddy that it actually took longer than my Tough Mudder and most of the MARATHONS (yes you're reading that right) that I've run. PS... The Spartan was only 5 miles. That's a story!
  • Speaking of running... Portland Marathon baby! Completed marathon #5 in style on the west coast! And as in typical insanity that always occurs with a race... drove straight up to Seattle to see a Sounders game!
  • Fell in love!!... With the PNW. (Haha... gotcha! We're still waiting for Mr. Right) But seriously if you've never smelled the air in the Mt. Rainier National Park, you are missing out. It literally smells like those air fresheners that go in cars... but better because it's real and it's outside.
  • Because I am a fan of attending sporting events, I made it to my first Colts game and IU basketball game this fall. Lucas Oil is beautiful when the roof and windows are open! Fun stadium... and even if I was there for a Colts loss at least it was to the Saints!
  • Really took to hiking this summer/fall. Spent many a weekend going to one of the several state parks here in south central Indiana. 
  • Oh yes... Turned... wait for it... 30!! (sigh) But so far... successful. Bought that house as a 30-year-old! Crushing the 30's!
So there you have it. I know I've been gone for quite a bit, but truly that list definitely highlights what I'm sure several posts would have been dedicated to. You're welcome for the CliffsNotes version. No more of that though. Winter is coming (name that show) which means plenty more opportunity to be inside and what happens when I'm trapped inside? Hilarious yet insightful (lol) posts for you all to enjoy! Here's to finishing up 2015 strong!

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