Monday, February 17, 2014

King cake, running shoes, music and more!

I'm really enjoying this 100 days of happiness thing!! I have a nice number of friends that have joined in and honestly I think my favorite part of this is seeing just what makes other people happy! I don't plan to share my friend's pictures, but I will post my pictures. So right now I'm six days into 100 days of happiness and these are the pictures I've used so far:

Day 1: King Cake from Paul's Pastry in Picayune Mississippi!!
I became addicted to this stuff since I was in the south for so long! So for the northern readers out there... King cake is eaten during Mardi Gras season. I know I got mine early in the season this year, but I was concerned they would run out and not want to ship one up to Indiana if I waited too long! This particular bakery fills their cakes with a ton of different flavors. I ended up going with strawberry and cream cheese (classic). I brought this into work and it was a favorite! Everyone loved it and learning about Mardi Gras. My coworker that got the baby was all about buying the cake for the next year!! Gotta love that!!

 Day 2: Surprise mail from the fam!!
 One of the most exciting things that can happen when checking your mail is finding that little key in your mailbox, meaning you have a larger object that couldn't fit in your tiny apartment mailbox!! I happened to get that key on day 2 and knew exactly that whatever was in the big mailbox was going up. What's in the package (which everyone wanted to know)? The best cookies ever along with some Runner's World magazines, and a bracelet. I'm going to have to thank my sister for this. It really helps still having a sibling in college. There's no way one child can get cookies and not the other!! Way to still need care packages sister!!

 Day 3: Eastern-facing window for some great sunrises!
So I've always been a morning person. Always. (It baffles some people, but I really don't know what makes mornings so easy for me.) So for me to have an office that faces east with a window. A-mazing!! Also I was a little late on getting the picture today, but the sunrises look a lot like the beginning of the Lion King. And I'm not saying I do, but I'm not saying I don't pull up the Circle of Life on youtube and sing along during the sunrise! Thank goodness for a private office!! 

Day 4: New running shoes!!
 It's that time again... Half marathon training time! It's nice to have a little extra motivation. Right now the weather isn't cooperating very well here. Rain/snow/cold does not make for a happy runner. Also running solo is definitely not as fun as having a running buddy. I'm taking applications now. There's a pretty intense screening process to receive the running buddy position... Jokes!! Anyone that wants to come out and run with me is more than welcome. But seriously. Run with me. Please.

Day 5: The Winter Olympics (being on 24/7)!
I love the Olympics. Love them. A whole bunch of sports that you never get the chance to watch. The stories of the athletes! That's probably my favorite part. These athletes aren't like the overpaid guys of the MLB, NBA and NFL. Also the winter Olympics are very intense. In most sports if you mess up you don't severe injury or death. Not so true with these events. Skeleton, bobsled, speed skating, slopestyle skiing/snowboarding! So crazy and fun to watch!!

Day 6: Fun playlist for the ride home from work!
Some days on the way home from work, you just need a playlist to dance it out to. Today was one of those days. This playlist just boosts the energy and allows for some fun car dancing!

That's what I have so far for my 100 days. We'll see what else happens in the next 94 days!!

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