Saturday, March 8, 2014

Staying happy!!

Guess who's back? Back again!!! Have no fear, the 100 days of happiness is still going strong! I've been a bit busy recently (sneaking in a trip back to Mississippi!!) but I've still taking pictures to share the happiness!

Day 17: Starting vacay in Hburg eating at the best place in town OUTSIDE!!
It's true. I took a mini-vacation back to Hattiesburg. This is a picture from my 2ish hour lunch outside with some great people. Pepperjack shrimp gyro!! I could eat this every day!! And on top of that a pineapple fusion?!?! Bring on vacation!! I think this means that I'm just insanely ready for spring to actually come to Indiana!!

Day 18: Seeing Terrod!!!
This is the picture behind my trip. Tiny backstory: Terrod and I were running buddies the entire(ish) time I was in Mississippi. We ran the Disney marathon together, which was Terrod's first and a Tough Mudder. He is the reason behind my running style of never leaving someone behind. If I was struggling he had no problem of stopping and walking, and I would do the same for him. About a year ago he collapsed at the end of a run and now suffers from brain damage. There was a race to raise money for him, and I wouldn't have missed it for anything. And I'm not going to lie this is Terrod after most races... passed out! Kid can sleep anywhere!!

Day 19: Ropers outing with Brittany!!
Ok... I'll admit the picture quality isn't the greatest, but sometimes that happens at 1 am! In what has become a Hattiesburg trip tradition, Brittany and I always manage to end up at Ropers for some line dancing fun. Ropers isn't just line dancing. One minute everyone is line dancing and the next it's "wobble" time. Between the dancing, pool tables, outdoor karaoke and all you can eat buffet (have yet to try that!!), it's definitely an entertaining place. It was also great to spend some quality time with Brittany!! Miss having her around!!

Day 20: Clear roads!!
To most people clear roads might not be a cause of happiness, but let's put it into perspective. Just over 12 hours before this I was driving back from the Indy airport at 2 am just after a nice winter storm. Not the best way to end a trip where the temps were mostly in the mid-70s! So I was incredibly happy to leave work and see clear roads without any ice or snow!

Day 21: Red beans and rice to celebrate Mardi Gras!! 

Fat Tuesday!!! Woot!!! The only way to celebrate when you're halfway across the nation from NOLA is a bowl of red beans and rice!! Recently I've been craving cajun food and making some red beans and rice definitely put a smile on my face. Sure I would have loved another king cake, but I'll take what I can get!

 Day 22: Sweatpant chill time!!

 Back here in Btown it's March and the highs have yet to be consistantly above freezing! That only means one thing... sweatpant time! There's just something about vegging out in front of the TV in sweats on a Wednesday night. Perhaps that something is I wasn't able to do that for the last 6 years... Thank you grad school and Mississippi!!

Day 23: Hittin' the trails!!

Yes it was just yesterday that I was complaining about it not being above freezing and it seems like that has just changed! Today was so beautiful I could run outside comfortably!! Not only that I was able to check on the local bike trails. Being out there made me realize just how much I missed the morning trail runs that we would go on in Hburg. But seems like I may be well on my way to setting up an evening trail run here in Btown. Of course I would get together a trail running group. That's just how I roll!

Day 24: Cold beer on a Friday night!!

A pair of jeans that fit just right... and the radio uuuuuupppp!!! :-) Yes, I couldn't resist. So the weather in Btown has changed so much that my co-worker suggested a cook out! Granted by the time we got around to that it was cold again, but still... The fact that cook outs can be considered is huge!! And what better to go with a cook out than a spring seasonal beer! Yay for Friday night beer with friends and pseudo-cookouts!

Day 25: Outdoor long run!! 

 I have to admit that training for these half marathons have not been going so well. Oh... did I mention I'm signed up for back-to-back half marathons at the end of April/beginning of May?!?! Yikes. Today I got a run in and that after run feeling was amazing!! Exhausted but feeling accomplished! It's been a long time since I've made it 6 miles. And it may not have been pretty, but it happened! Back in the running game!! One mile at a time!! 

So there you have it... A quarter of the way through the 100 days and it's interesting to me how different each day can be. I honestly never thought a picture of clear roads would make me happy, but hey after driving through the remnants of a snow storm... I'll take the clear roads!! I know there will be a lot of exciting pictures coming up as I'm entering a travel heavy spring! I think the list includes: Canton (IL), Vegas!, Nashville (x 2), Michigan, Denver and Mississippi (again!). Can. Not. Wait.

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