Thursday, March 3, 2016

Oh the places I want to go!

I LOVE traveling. Absolutely favorite thing to do, especially when I have a travel buddy and an exciting new destination. I'd say I've gotten to travel quite a bit, but there are still so many amazing looking places that I want to have a chance to see. I think I'm all about talking about traveling because I'm about to embark on a pretty epic (SPOILER ALERT) Carolina road trip. (I'm saying there's a 99.95% chance that's what the next blog entry will be about. But until then, I'm just going to leave a little list of places I would love to go see. If you have any suggestions, feel free to let me hear about them!

1. Costa Rica - This tops the list because I've wanted to go here for a long time. Beaches look amazing. There's also rainforests with zip lines. Oh and waterfalls... according to the following picture!

2. Iceland - This is a newer dream destination. But the scenery looks pretty amazing and those hot springs? Yes please! Not to mention experiencing the northern lights!

3. Fiji - Not only is this one of the few places to pull off my dream two New Year's Eve countdowns in one year (see previous posts for more details), but the scenery is gorgeous. And I think everyone should try staying in one of those whole bungalow over the water things!

4. New Zealand - While I'm showing love to the south Pacific area, I can't help but be interested in going to New Zealand. Yes I would try Zorbing where it was created and explore mountains and some unique beaches.

5. Victoria Falls/Zimbabwe/South Africa - I would like to say that I've been to every continent (although I'd settle for six I suppose). A trip around southern Africa would be awesome. A chance to experience a safari, be an idiot and pose in the devil's pool at Victoria Falls (yes I'd learn to flip all crazy like the picture if I got to go) and maybe, just maybe see some filming for the upcoming year's Shark week?!?!

6. Switzerland - Because I could use more mountains, trains, crystal clear lakes and cheese in my life.

And this was just the international version of places I haven't been able to travel to yet. I also have a U.S. travel list, but I'll save that for another day. However, if any producers of the Amazing Race happen to get a copy of this list. I would be more than happy to be a contestant if you were going to take me to these places!

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