Monday, December 1, 2014

Light bulb

Who else has heard this fantastic question: What's your life passion?

Anyone? Anyone? Bueller? I'm sure I've heard it more than once by now (let's face it, you don't make it to the 22nd grade without hearing that question more than a few times). And let me be honest about that question... I hated it. I distinctly remember being asked what my passion was on my very first day of graduate school by the director of my program. Um... I'm going to say polymer science Alex. Seriously, for the longest time I could not figure out how to answer that question. I was stuck in this mindset that my passion had to be a subject like chemistry or english or gym (does that count?). Even when I looked at the activities I liked to do in my spare time I was coming up with subjects... mountain biking, swimming, roller hockey. While I enjoyed my extracurricular activities, nothing seemed like THE driving force for me. THE thing that was going to get me to be excited every single day (mountain biking, if the falls weren't so painful, you might still be in contention).

But in a conversation with a friend I had one of those fantastic light bulb moments.
I was the one defining passion as a specific object/subject/thing. I could easily redefine passion and have an answer. So I did. And I have an answer. After a bit of self reflection I realized I did know my passion! Ready for it? It's simply to help/watch/guide people to succeed in something they didn't think possible. Sounds a bit vague? No worries I have examples. I ran my first marathon in 2004, since then I've run 3 more and 6 half marathons. Each time I've run with someone who was running that distance for the first time. I couldn't care less about my time or the fact that I finished one, it's all about the people that finish the race for the first time with me. I helped coach women to finish their first ever 5k and I got them to complete it much faster than they ever thought possible. The emotion I get to see in someone else when they accomplish something ridiculous is quite possibly the best thing ever. At least to me. The clarity that has come with this light bulb moment has been absolutely wonderful. So my question is have you already figured out your life passion? What is it? Or do you need to have your own light bulb moment?


  1. Your passion is right on the money. You have this unbelievable talent at encouraging people to do things they never thought they could.

  2. I'm so excited for you, Lauren! I know you will utilize this newly discovered passion in ways you never believed possible!! (See what I did there, lol.)
