Monday, June 9, 2014

Welcome back Runner's Code!

Once upon a time I had a running blog. It was modeled after Bro Code (HIMYM, anyone?!?!) and discussed the um... finer (?) aspects of the running world. Ah yes, here it is... The Runners Code. It's been a long time since I've added anything to the Runner's Code, but I have to say that I learned a fantastic trick this spring when I ran in the Nashville half and I have to share it. The only way to share this absolutely amazing advice is as part of the Runner's Code. So without further ado I present to you Runner's Code Tip #134: One word. Immodium.

For the non-runners out there I'm sure you're thinking ?????? Just imagine running/jogging/walking/moving for 13.1 (or more) miles with all of the stomach jostling and Gatorade drinking that goes along with that. You thought coffee got you going in the morning?!? More than once I have heard/shared horror stories of post-race port-o-potty experiences that I dare not repeat. I have heard so many techniques to avoid becoming the cause of someone else's horrific experience, but nothing that seemed to guarantee results. Until Nashville.

This race was to be a reunion with grad school friends coming from Mississippi and Tennessee and even throwing a college friend into the mix! One of these great running friends told me about a trick she heard in her new running group: One Immodium the night before a race and no more post-race port-o-potty stank. Interesting. But was it a real solution or just one of the many unsuccessful techniques that I had shared with other runners in the past? As a scientist there was only one way to find out. Experimentation. Of course we went out and purchased Immodium and with a cautious Gatorade "cheers!" we downed that Immodium.

The next day was........

Wait for it.............

GLORIOUS!!! I felt like a champion! Didn't even glance over at those post-race port-o-potties as I downed my celebratory Michelob Ultra. Felt great as we went out as a group to devour some post-race pizza. Even 3 days later (which I was told by a random runner would be bad news) zero problems! So I mentioned I'm a scientist, right? Well one data point does not a dissertation make. So I tried it again the following week at the Indy Mini.


So to all of you runners out there that have experienced the horror that is the post-race port-o-potty. Let me introduce you to your new running best friend. Immodium.

Run on!

Side note: I don't recommend Immodium be used on all runs, but saved for races only.

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